FIRE Up – Comprehensive calculator for Early Retirement

FIRE Up - Comprehensive calculator for Early Retirement

FIRE – Financial Independence, Retire Early (revised on 26 Feb 2024) This long article describes a calculator that combines a set of factors to assess the feasibility of achieving financial freedom early in life. Financial Freedom (FF), or Financial Independence(FI) can be defined this way – the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live,

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Embassy Office Parks – Should you invest in India’s first REIT?

Embassy Office Parks REIT

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a very interesting financial product. A lot of savvy investors in the developed countries use REIT to provide better income than typical bonds. The regulatory structure in India for REIT has existed for a few years. The very first product in this space is being spearheaded by the Embassy

Personal Finance Rule 5 – Tax Savings is not mandatory

Rule 5 - Tax Savings is not mandatory

This short post warns against excessive focus on investing to simply save taxes. This results in sub-optimal results. This is a companion post to the India version of Harold Pollack’s Index Card – Pollack’s Index Card: All the financial advice that you ever need – India version What are Tax Savings? While the term tax

Personal Finance Rule 4 – Boring is Better

Boring is Better

One of the most complex aspects of personal finance is to choose among the myriad of investment options available. It is easy to mistake a complex, slickly presented product to be a better product. This post puts forward the view that the reverse is often true – a simple, easy to understand product is better. 

Personal Finance Rule 3 – Max out all forms of PF


This short post reiterates the importance of an essential debt component of any portfolio in India – Employee and Public Provident Fund.  This is a companion post to the India version of Harold Pollack’s Index Card – Pollack’s Index Card: All the financial advice that you ever need – India version. While there are different

Personal Finance Rule 2 – Pay your credit card bills in full

Person with credit card terminal

This short post reiterates the importance of avoiding an extremely harmful behaviour for your financial health – carrying credit card debt.  This is a companion post to the India version of Harold Pollack’s Index Card – Pollack’s Index Card: All the financial advice that you ever need – India version Very simple rule – Pay