How does a financial advisor help you succeed?

How does a financial advisor help you succeed? 2

Introduction In this short article, we will see the most important ways in which a financial advisor can help you meet your financial goals. These points also can be used as a checklist to evaluate the competence of the financial advisor. Who is a Financial Advisor? Financial advisors come in all shapes and sizes. The

Regular Funds – Pay more for ‘free’ advice

Regular Funds - Pay more for 'free' advice 4

‘Free’ advice costs you a lot There are many articles that try to establish why regular funds are more suitable for investors. Almost all of them use the following scenarios/models: Advisor/platform providing free advice and logistics for investments in regular funds (free advice model) An investor doing everything themselves and investing in direct funds (Do

An Engineering Approach To Build Wealth

An Engineering Approach To Build Wealth 7

  In this long write-up, I discuss an  engineering (methodical) approach to personal finance. I introduce the concept as growing wealthy using an engineering approach. I then describe the parts of the approach in some detail. A full presentation that follows this approach can be found below. This article previously appeared as: Introduction I use the title

Why does one need a Financial Plan

Why does one need a Financial Plan 11

You are often besieged by a variety of people who offer ‘financial plans’. Most visitors to banks, particularly the private banks, encounter ‘financial planners’. While there could be different views on the usefulness of these planners, there is no doubt about the importance of a Financial Plan as such. Let us look at the reasons